从2024年10月8日起,, Travellers entering Bintan Resorts must meet the following requirements:
欲了解更多信息,请访问民丹岛度假村官网: https://www.bintan-resorts.com/bintan-resorts-travel-requirements/
- 护照有效期至少为 6 个月
- 前往另一个国家的往返票或单程票
Citizens of 13 countries are eligible for Free Visa Travel and Visa on Arrival (VOA) is extended to 100 countries.
- 永久居民身份:旅客必须持有新加坡永久居民身份
- 资格要求:只有持有蓝色身份证的永久居民符合资格,某些国籍人士因签证要求而不适用
温馨提醒:符合资格的旅客在前往民丹度假村时必须携带蓝色身份证 - 游客逗留许可:符合资格的旅客将获得最长四天的游客逗留许可,且不可延长或转换为其他身份逗留。
- 资料来源: Official Indonesian Visa Regulations
*New Update – Riau Islands 7-Day VOA Policy
- A new Visa on Arrival (VOA) valid for 7 days is now available for visitors to the Riau Islands, priced at IDR 250,000 per person.
- This visa facilitates entry for tourism and business purposes in designated areas.
- Not eligible for e-Visa; payment can only be made offline upon arrival at Bintan Resorts.
- The policy is effective from December 17, 2024.
点击 这里 for more information
您可以在此申请电子入境签证和电子落地签证 https://evisa.imigrasi.go.id/
Update: 19 December 2024