
BRF Online Reservation System is the property of Bintan Resort Ferries Private Limited (BRF). The data, artwork, related programs and scripts are the copyrighted property of BRF. Neither BRF travel nor any of its listings may be reproduced, sold, transferred, or modified without the express advance written consent of BRF.

BRF does not warrant the accuracy, completeness, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose of any of the data in eCommerce service provided herewith. In no event shall brf.com.sg, its owners or employees, or BRF, be liable for any injury loss, claim, damage, or any incidental or consequential damages which arises out of or is in any way connected with any listing of any data in the BRF Online Reservation System.

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  • 民丹岛度假胜地渡轮私人有限公司 (新加坡客户服务)
  • 客服热线: +65 6240 1780
  • 传真号码: +65 6240 1791
  • 邮件地址: helpdesk@brf.com.sg